I3 Diagnostic Solutions Making Primary Care Safer, Faster & Easier
Why choose I³ Diagnostics Solutions?
The scanning and attachment of diagnostic reports to a patient’s medical record is a time consuming process. Combined with having to manually enter patient details at the start of every diagnostic test, this can often mean that you spend more time carrying out administrative tasks than caring for your patients.
I3 eliminates these problems by acting as a link between your GP clinical system and a range of our 12 Lead ECG, ABPM and Spirometry devices. It will dramatically simplify all of your test procedures by eliminating the need for manual data entry at the start and end of every diagnostic test, ensuring that test results are always filed to the correct patient medical record.
How it Works
At the start of every test, I3 will automatically retrieve a patient’s details from your clinical system and pass this information to the device you want to use. Once you have completed your tests, I3 will then file a PDF report of the results and any associated coded results directly into the patient’s medical record. This makes your diagnostic testing safer, faster and easier.
Key Features and Benefits
Enhances Patient Care
Dramatically simplifies the test procedure, allowing you to concentrate on caring for your patients
Increases Patient Safety
Ensures that diagnostic test results are always filed to the correct medical record, improving patient safety
Improves Report Quality
Files a high quality diagnostic report rather than a poor quality scan, allowing a more accurate diagnosis of symptoms
Reduces Administration
Eliminates manual data entry, scanning and attachment of test results, giving you more time with your patients
“All three devices place their data seamlessly into the patient’s medical record, which allows me to spend more time nursing and managing my patients”Lynn Orr - Practice Nurse, Annandale Medical Centre
See how it works
EMIS Web Videos
TPP SystmOne Videos
Vision Videos
“It saves the nurse’s time and completely eliminates the possibility of human error, such as placing the report into the wrong record and data entry errors which can have an effect on the clinical outcome for the patient”Paul Moss - Practice Manager, Steyning Health Centre
What products are compatible?
To find out more about I3 Diagnostic Solutions for your GP practice
telephone: 0114 2433896 or email: sales@numed.co.uk